Monastic names in the Premonstratensian Order at Jászóvár in the century following the 1802 restitution of the Order

  • Gyula Gasparics Apor Vilmos Katolikus Főiskola
Keywords: given names, Christian names, monastic names, Premonstratensian Order, 19th century, historical anthroponomastics


Monastic names in the Premonstratensian Order at Jászóvár in the century following the 1802 restitution of the Order  


This paper presents the names adopted by monks of the (canonical) Premonstratensian Order at Jászóvár during the 19th century, after the 1802 restitution of the Order. It gives a brief introduction to the history of the Premonstratensianian Provostship at Jászóvár, and discusses events that happened before the abolition and after the restitution of the monastery. The paper lists the names adopted by the monks; shows the characteristics of the naming/name-choosing processes, focusing on motivational factors; and classifies the monastic names by their origins and by their semantic features. The study highlights the importance of choosing monastic names after the founder and the saints of the Order.
