Declaration of ethics
Ethics and good practices
The journal is committed to maintaining high standards of publication ethics, following the guidance of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) and the CSE's White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications.
In pursuance of good practice, the arbitration system used to select articles and the assessment criteria applied by external evaluators are published below. These guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation process at any time: the anonymity of the peer reviewers and the authors, and any other communication realized by the Editorial Board. Confidentiality is maintained towards potential clarifications, claims or complaints sent by the authors to the Editorial Board or to their articles’ peer reviewers.
The journal declares its commitment to respect and ensure the integrity of the published papers; texts identified as plagiarism are not published or removed from the journal website. In such cases, the journal acts as quickly as possible. By accepting the terms and conditions indicated by the journal, authors declare that their manuscripts are original and do not infringe the copyright of any third party.
Review procedure
Articles submitted to the journal must be original, unpublished and not under review. In order to guarantee the scientific quality of the articles, manuscripts go through a double-blind peer review procedure (for further details, see Submissions). Originality, quality (in terms of both content and form) and the relevance of the scientific information will be considered as criteria of the review process. Information and messages between authors and reviewers are conveyed by the editors. Reviews are not made public.
The journal does not necessarily share the opinion expressed in the published articles. The only responsible are the authors.
Responsibilities of authors
- Only original research results may be submitted to the journal. The use of other authors' work or written text (as appropriate to the journal style sheet) should be cited. All forms of plagiarism are considered unethical publication behaviour and will be rejected by the editorial board. Submission of the same or a nearly identical manuscript to several journals at the same time, as well as the resubmission of own results already published, will not be accepted by the editorial board of the journal.
- Only persons who are entitled to be named as authors because of their role in the research should be named as authors, and all such persons should be acknowledged as authors. In the case of co-authorship, the authors are equally responsible for the content published.
- Authors are responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of data used in their research.
- Colleagues’ work should be treated fairly and professionally, avoiding any personal comments or offensive language.
- The source of funding must be clearly indicated in the footnotes to the articles.
- Editors should be informed about any conflict of interest that might affect the fair and anonymous reviewing process in any way.
- Authors must cooperate with the editors and accept that the manuscript will be subject to double-blind peer review and other editorial procedures of the journal.
- If the author discovers any error, inaccuracy, omission or ethical breach, even after publication, he/she should notify the journal. Regardless of who identifies the problem, authors are expected to cooperate in retracting or correcting the article.
Responsibilities of the editors
- The editors are responsible for the adherence to ethical norms, guaranteeing the exclusion of personal, financial and other non-professional interests from the procedures applied.
- They ensure that the manuscripts are evaluated on a fair, professional and equal basis regardless of the race, religion, nationality, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the authors.
- They clearly define and publish the criteria of evaluation and the procedures applied by the journal.
- They are responsible for the quality of the review process, ensuring that submitted manuscripts are judged by qualified reviewers in a double-blind peer review process.
- They are solely responsible for the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.
- They are responsible for ensuring that no conflict of interest affects any procedure of the journal, especially the reviewing process.
- They guarantee the anonymity of authors and reviewers.
- If necessary, they consider retracting an article (especially in cases where authorship is dubious or plagiarism is revealed).
- They clarify any complaint or controversial situation and ensure that all parties’ views are fairly represented.
Responsibilities of the reviewers
- An invitation to review a manuscript should only be accepted if the person invited has the necessary expertise to evaluate the manuscript and is able to give an unbiased assessment.
- Any violation of norms or conflict of interest that would affect the objective and anonymous review process should be reported to the editors.
- Reviews should be objective and well-supported to help the Editorial Board in its decision and the authors in improving their manuscript.
- Reviews should be completed within the proposed or agreed deadlines.
- The manuscript received for review should be handled in strict confidentiality.
No publishing fees
The entire editing process is absolutely free of charges for authors. In coherence to a publication politics based on the principles of justice and equity, Névtani Értesítő does not charge article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges. Articles are accessed free of charges, immediately after their publication.