Újabb erdélyi román személy- és helynévtörténeti kutatások
Recent Romanian studies on the history of personal and place names in Transylvania
The paper formulates a few statements regarding the 11th to 14th-century personal and place names from the regions of Transylvania, Banat, Maramures and the Partium, and comments upon two, recently published works on the history of Romanian personal and place names. The aim of the volume by Adinel Dincă, Mihai Hasan, Şerban Turcuș and Victor V. Vizauer is to prove – based on the frequency of personal names occurring in 11th to 14th-century Transylvania – that name bearers of Romanian ethnicity comprised the majority of the population in the given era. The author of the second volume, Victor V. Vizauer examines 12th to 14th-century Transylvanian settlement names derived from personal names. The paper makes several critical observations regarding the religious and ethnic conclusions drawn by Victor V. Vizauer based on the name stock. The shortcomings of both volumes primarily spring from deficiencies in fully exploring their sources; and from ignoring the results of Romanian and Hungarian onomastic literature. The volumes, however, may stimulate both Hungarian and Romanian onomasticians and historians to carry out further research in the field.