Exploring Religious Identity in Young Adults Drifting Away From the Church

A Methodological Experiment – Part 2

  • Márton Fabiny Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem
Keywords: narrative identity, religious but unaffiliated, biographical narrative interview, hermeneutic case reconstruction, young adults


The paper scrutinises the interrelationship between religious and personal identity of young adults who have drifted away from the church, drawing on the methodology of narrative biographical interview and hermeneutic case reconstruction. For better understanding, the concept of narrative identity is introduced in detail, and parallels between the perspectives of methodology and pastoral care are explored. The question posed is explored by means of an illustrative case. It can therefore be seen as an exploratory case study or methodological experiment.

Author Biography

Márton Fabiny, Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem

teológushallgató – Budapest


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