The Importance of Spiritual Experiences in the Survival of Declining Christian Congregations
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus walks on the Sea of Galilee toward his disciples struggling in a boat, then calls Peter out onto the waves, showing them his power that transcends the laws of the physical world. The spiritual experiences some people encounter in threshold situations of their lives are incompatible with the order of the physical world. These experiences convince the person concerned that there is a power superior to the natural order of physical life and the physical world. This reality above the perceived reality experienced by many is an essential element of Christ’s message and therefore of the life of the Christian congregation. On the sea of life, spiritual experiences such as “walking on water” enrich the journey of the Church as a ship and its passengers. The spiritual experiences mentioned in this essay can convince the reader that the journey of the ship of the Church is accompanied by forces greater than the storms of
life, and offer the encouragement of reaching safe harbor. In this way, the church or a local congregation may become an inviting ambience for brave and confident travelers to set sail together.
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