A szabályozás szükségessége és az innovatív orvosi tartalom megvalósíthatósága a távvizit gyakorlatában

A virtuális rendelő (ViRe) fenntartható működésének felelősségi tényezői

  • Gábor Szócska ÉKC
  • Miklós Kozlovszky
  • Ágnes Ürmösy
  • Diána Sűrű
  • Gyula Gilly



Digital technologies have a strong and widespread impact on healthcare processes. The market- and technology-driven results of IT developments can initiate unexpected and rapid changes in every part of our lives. This was also the case in healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic with the sudden rise of telemedicine. In our study, we point out the online phenomena that are currently damaging our values ​​that were previously effectively protected in health law. The sudden rise of telemedicine threatens that the market demands for quick medical assistance and the use of modern technology will result in unregulated and uncontrollable processes over time (see Collingride's dilemma). As we have known for a long time, without adequate regulation, the basic interests of sick persons, the protection of patient data and medical confidentiality are seriously harmed. Therefore, we must regulate online healthcare activities in accordance with the content of the legislation that has ensured our traditional values ​​until now. In our article, relying on development and practical results, we outline the innovative roles and areas of responsibility of the healthcare and IT service required for this, which the relevant authorities will be able to control and hold accountable. We point out which IT components are indispensable for quality operation in the operation of the virtual clinic, defined as a functional basic unit in our previous announcement, and which belong to the medical content of the healthcare provider. We describe the legal (obligatory) relationships that must be established between the patient, the health care provider (specialist) and the person responsible for the IT service for their coordinated operation. Our study shows how a sick and/or health-conscious person will have the chance to get the most out of the data-rich medical service without harming their fundamental interests.

How to Cite
SzócskaG., KozlovszkyM., Ürmösy Ágnes, SűrűD., & GillyG. (2022). A szabályozás szükségessége és az innovatív orvosi tartalom megvalósíthatósága a távvizit gyakorlatában: A virtuális rendelő (ViRe) fenntartható működésének felelősségi tényezői. IME, 21(4), 32-39. https://doi.org/10.53020/IME-2022-404