The role of patients in Hungarian hospital employee performance appraisal systems

  • Norbert Zétény Sárga Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola 4/3. Doktori Program
  • Gyula Bakacsi
  • Richárd Kása
Keywords: employee performance appraisal, patient, hospital, patient satisfaction survey


A national survey on employee performance appraisal practices in Hungarian state-run hospitals was recently conducted. As a partial result of this research, we present therole of patients in performance appraisal systems in our presentstudy. In addition, we mapped the incorporation in to the evaluation of the observations and results of the patient satisfaction survey, which do not specifically relate to the performance evaluation. We also examined whether there is a quality management systemin the various institutions in relation toquality management.

The data acquisition required for our research was implemented using the self-completion questionnaire method. Descriptive statistics were performed. Increating the questionnaire, in addition to there commendations in the literature, we also took into account the results and experiences of our own previous research. The questionnaire was sent to the directors-general of the hospitals on paper. The response was voluntary and anonymous. The completed questionnaires were returned directly to theresearch participants and not to the maintainer. The questionnaire was returnedby a total of 31 hospitals, with a responserate of 27%, covering 1/4 of the total population. Taking into account the difficulties in accessing public sector institutions, especially hospitals, it can be said that this coverage can give an approximately complete picture of the sector, and it is the largest sample among hospitals in Hungary.

During the survey, it was found that performance appraisal by patients is not significant in Hungarian hospitals, although their opinion is considered more important than the opinion of employees working in the same job as the employee. Only 3% of the participating institutions carrying out performance appraisals had a 360 ° appraisal, although more than 60% of senior executives consider it necessary to actually and not only formally operate a 360 ° appraisal. At the same time, patient satisfaction surveys are an integral part of hospital operations. Inhalf of the cases, patient satisfaction is measured annually, and in a significant part on a quarterly basis, but to the same extent less frequently. The vast majority of institutions have and regularly maintain a functioning quality management system, but there are hospitals that do not have a quality management system.

How to Cite
SárgaN. Z., BakacsiG., & KásaR. (2022). The role of patients in Hungarian hospital employee performance appraisal systems. IME, 21(2), 37-42.