Health literacy in private healthcare

  • András Kiss Budai Egészségközpont
Keywords: health literacy, private healthcare, doctor-patient communication, patient education


In developed countries health and the number of years spent in health appear as one of the basic attributes of quality of life. In the meantime, due to the demographic crisis and technological development it is more and more expensive to operate the healthcare systems, that is why the tools and methods that can be used to increase efficiency are in demand worldwide. Communication is clearly such a tool, the success of which is significantly influenced by the level of health understanding of the patients, in which there are huge differences within the population everywhere, which poses a great challenge in terms of the effectiveness of the healing process. In this article, I make a proposal on how to learn about and use patients' level of health literacy during both institutional and doctor-patient communication.

How to Cite
KissA. (2024). Health literacy in private healthcare. IME, 23(1), 10-17.