The Relationship between Copyright Law, Translations and Artificial Intelligence


The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), entered into force on August 1, 2024, is the world’s first comprehensive AI law, reflecting on the challenges posed by the rapid development and increasingly widespread use of AI. Empirical research has shown the spread of the use of AI in the translation profession as well (Eszenyi 2023). However, Hungarian academic literature analyzing the impact of AI on the copyright of translations is scarce. This paper provides a review of the basic concepts, history, and currently applicable legal framework of international, European Union, and Hungarian copyright law relevant to translations, as well as of the relevant literature. It also discusses the status of AI in copyright law, and the relationship between AI and the authorship of translations, with special regard to the European Union’s AI Act. The AI Act does not vest AI with authorship but may impose obligations on translators and translation service providers. The paper, in agreement with the EU’s current stance, concludes that AI should not be given authorship. However, policies may change anytime, especially in the light of technological development. Therefore, it is important to increase the AI and legal proficiency of translators.

How to Cite
BakóB. (2024). The Relationship between Copyright Law, Translations and Artificial Intelligence. FORDÍTÁSTUDOMÁNY - Translation Studies, 26(2), 5-21.