Preventive and Health Promotion Office of the Moritz Kaposi General Hospital of Somogy County: The last 14 years and its role in the implementation of organised screenings for public health purposes
In 2008, the Prevention and Health Promotion Office started its work in Kaposvár, which has developed and implemented several innovative programs to improve the health of people living in Somogy County during its 14 years of work. Due to the low participation rate in public health screening, a nationally unique program was launched in 2009. All women between 45 and 65 years old in Somogy County were included in the program, which enabled women living in the most disadvantaged, deprived settlements to access public health screenings. The idea of the program is that, within the framework of the organised screening, the invited women can have a cervical and lung screening at the same time as a breast screening. The positive result of the program is that without it, women would not have had access to both cervical and lung screening, and the declining rate of breast screening has been halted. In addition to the complex screening and the ongoing health promotion programs, the Prevention and Health Promotion Office also implements other programs in Somogy County. The Kaposvár Prevention and Health Promotion Office is involved in health promotion not only in Hungary but also internationally. In 2021, the Moritz Kaposi General Hospital of Somogy County joined the International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services, in which currently it is the only Hungarian hospital participating.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Gabriella Szörényiné Ványi, Mariann Moizs
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.