Study of the relationship between adolescent health risk behavoir and mental well-being among middle school students

  • Réka Dudok University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Education, Szeged, Hungary
  • Bettina Pikó University of Szeged, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Szeged, Hungary
Keywords: smoking, alcohol consumption, well-being, psychological variables, protective factors


Introduction: Adolescence should get a high attention due to bio-psycho-social changes as well as the adolescents’ mental health and the critical period of their experimenting behavior regarding  substance use. In order to prevent the short and long term harmful effects of substance use and the negative consequences of poor psychological well-being it is essential to identify the risk and prfotective factors. Previous studies revealed that well-being, intrapersonal assets (e.g., self-control) and interpersonal connections can reduce the risk of substance use. Therefore, the aim of our study has been to examine the relationship between the adolescents’ health risk behavior and their well- being and, to identify the role of several psychological factors whether lowering or increasing the odds of smoking and drinking. Moreover, another aim was to explore differences by gender and special education needs.

Methodology: The sample was collected in the period of May and June (2021), and it contained of middle school students (n = 164, M=13.3 and SD=1,1 years; 55% males). Forty-one students reported having special educational needs.  The self-administered questionnaire measured substance use, psychological and general well-being, life satisfaction, social support, resilience, self-esteem and self-control. Results were analyzed by Chi-square and Student t-tests, and logistic regression analysis.

Results: There were no gender differences in frequencies of smoking and drinking including both trying and using. In terms of the examined psychological variables, boys scored significantly higher on the following scales: self-esteem, life satisfaction, general and psychological well-being, and resilience. The logistic regression analysis identified self-control, life satisfaction, general well-being, happiness and perseverance as protective factors in both types of substance use. In the case of smoking, social support from the family and self-esteem were also protective factors. In the case of alcohol use, the presence of a diagnosis of learning disability proved to lower the odds.

Conclusion: All in all, a relationship can be justified between adolescents’ mental well-being and their health risk behavior. Our results indicate the age-specific characteristics and draw the attention to the important role of social network and support. Findings of our study can contribute to the success of prevention and intervention programs on youth health behavior.


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How to Cite
Dudok, R., & Pikó, B. (2023). Study of the relationship between adolescent health risk behavoir and mental well-being among middle school students. Health Promotion, 64(1), 14-29.
Original Article - Research