Relationship between physical stress related to the scope of working activities in early childhood education and problem areas in musculoskeletal system
Background: The profession of early childhood educator challenges both the somatic and mental status of experts. During their scope of working activities, they are required to lift children in order to taking care of them besides crouching, bending down, kneeling mean further burden on their organs of locomotion which may cause pain and deformation of the areas previously referred to. The aim of this research is to acquire clear picture of the health conditions and the related influential risk factors of early childhood educators.
Methodology: Quantitative and cross-sectional research carried out in 2020 in an online profession specific platform. Early childhood educators, working 40 hours a week, were questioned (N = 279) applying Dutch Musculoskeletal Questionnaire and a purpose made surveying instruments. For statistical analysis, correlation analysis (Pearsons, Spearman) (p ≤ 0.01), T-test and ANOVA test were applied (p ≤ 0.05).
Results: Muscular and osseous system related pain, affecting various body parts, is present on a daily basis among early childhood educators. 31.53% of the responders experienced pain in their back and the upper part of their waist, 18.13% in the areas of their neck, 16.96% in their shoulder and 21.43% in their knee, which increases parallel with the number of working years (r = 0.29, p = 0.001). Throughout their work the extent of weight lifting (t(241) = -0.18, p = 0.06), the shifts in inconvenient bodily positions (F(3, 273) = 2.91, p = 0.03) show correlation with the intensity of the pain in different parts of their body.
Conclusion: Actions expected due to high prevalence of risk factor with regard to the identified pains related locomotive system among early childhood educators. Reinforcing health education, following the identification of risk factors, the appropriate strategy shaping is required. Arranged special therapeutic gymnastics, where the experts could acquire practical knowledge to avoid and alleviate locomotive complaints, would mean help to early childhood educators.
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