Article review: Commercial determinants of health

  • Klára Tarkó University of Szeged Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education, Institute of Applied Health Sciences and Environmental Education, Szeged, Hungary
Keywords: social determinants of health, commertial determinants of health, health inequalities


The term ‘commercial determinants of health’ (CDOH) is increasingly focussing attention upon the role of tobacco, alcohol, and food and beverage companies, and others—as important drivers of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). The CDOH does not seem to be clearly represented in the most common social determinants of health (SDOH) frameworks. This idea led the authors to review with the help of document analysis a wide range of existing frameworks of the determinants of health to determine whether and how commercial determinants are incorporated into current SDOH thinking.

Author Biography

Klára Tarkó, University of Szeged Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education, Institute of Applied Health Sciences and Environmental Education, Szeged, Hungary




Maani, N., Collin, J., Friel, S., Gilmore, A. B., McCambridge, J., Robertson, L., & Petticrew, M. P. (2020). Bringing the commercial determinants of health out of the shadows: a review of how the commercial determinants are represented in conceptual frameworks. European Journal of Public Health, 30(4), 660–664. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckz197

How to Cite
Tarkó, K. (2021). Article review: Commercial determinants of health. Health Promotion, 62(3), 78-79.
Article review