Book review: Simply about breast cancer – dietetic guidance for the affected

  • Melinda Moharos Hungarian Dietetic Association, Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: chemoterapy, breast cancer, diet, dietitian


Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Hungary, roughly every 9–10 women will be involved in it throughout her life. As a layman, it is very difficult for those involved to be properly informed in the new situation, since they encounter an incomprehensible amount of information, and a significant part of them not only does not help but poses an increased risk to their condition. A dietitian who had been diagnosed with breast cancer herself systematized evidence-based information, tried out practical tips and recipes into a book that will help to adjust the lifestyle and nutrition to the particular therapy and current situation.

Author Biography

Melinda Moharos, Hungarian Dietetic Association, Budapest, Hungary




Arató, Gy. (2020). Konyhanyelven a mellrákról. PrintPrix Nyomda, Szerzői kiadás.

How to Cite
Moharos, M. (2021). Book review: Simply about breast cancer – dietetic guidance for the affected. Health Promotion, 62(3), 80-81.
Article review