Article review: Longitudinal analysis of child resilience link to dental caries

  • Anna Rebeka Ivancsó University of Debrecen Faculty of Public Health, Debrecen, Hungary
Keywords: pediatric dentistry, epidemiology, noncognitive skills


Dental caries is a serious public health problem affecting all ages, and childhood is a key period in its prevention. Although socioeconomic status and dietary habits play a major role in the development of dental caries in young children, some studies focus on the importance of parent-child interaction, which has been less studied in relation to this problem.

Author Biography

Anna Rebeka Ivancsó, University of Debrecen Faculty of Public Health, Debrecen, Hungary




Matsuvama Y, Isumi A, Doi S, et al. Longitudinal Analysis of Child Resilience Link to Dental Caries. Pediatr Dent. 2020. 42(4): 308–314.

How to Cite
Ivancsó, R. A. (2021). Article review: Longitudinal analysis of child resilience link to dental caries. Health Promotion, 62(2), 70-71.
Article review