Békés County Youth Study 2004-2014-2024: Health risk behaviour and psychological health

  • Bettina Pikó Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Szent-György Albert Orvostudományi Kar, Magatartástudományi Intézet, Szeged
  • Judit Kiss-Handra Békés County Government Office, Major Department of Public Health, Békéscsaba
  • Anita Tarkóné Strifler Békés County Government Office, Major Department of Public Health, Békéscsaba
  • Éva Sinyiné Nagy Békés County Government Office, Major Department of Public Health, Békéscsaba
Keywords: health risk behaviour, psychosocial health, smoking, drinking, health monitoring


Background: Monitoring adolescent health behaviour and psychological health forms an important priority in health education. In the present study, we compared results of studies carried out in 2004 – 2014 – 2024 among youth from Békés County, putting the focus on the indicators of psychological health and health risk behaviours.

Methodology: Psychosocial associations of the high school student population’s health (namely, frequencies of psychosomatic and depressive symptoms, satisfaction with life, monthly pervalence of smoking, drinking and cannabis use) were explored in 2004 (N = 400), as part of the Southern Plain Youth Study, in 2014 (N = 677) and 2024 (N = 772), in the frame of Békés County Youth Studies.

Results: Smoking showed a decreasing tendency in the studied population, in addition, the disappearing gender differences can be also noticed. The widespread prevalence of the types of alternative smoking should be also highlighted. Besides a slight decreasing occurrence of cannabis use, however, in terms of alcohol use, an increasing tendency predominates. Furthermore, distilled spirits proved to be the most preferred types of alcohol for youth which has the highest amount of alcohol These changes are in line with the international trends. Among the indicators or psychological health, occurrence of the psychosomatic symptoms increased in the studied population with the most frequent symptoms were the following: fatigue, sleeping disorders and lower back pain. Among girls, the rising score of depressive symptoms needs special attention.

Conclusions: In Békés county, preventive health professionals should set a priority of forming the high school students’ alcohol-related attitudes and introducing effective coping techniques so as to lower the levels of psychosomatic and depressive symptoms.


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How to Cite
PikóB., Kiss-Handra, J., Tarkóné Strifler, A., & Sinyiné Nagy Éva. (2024). Békés County Youth Study 2004-2014-2024: Health risk behaviour and psychological health. Health Promotion, 65(2), 2-14. https://doi.org/10.24365/ef.17010
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