Social perception and acceptance of people with rare diseases

  • Gábor Pogány National Association of People with Rare and Congenital Disorders, Budapest, Hungary
  • Zsuzsa Bojtor National Association of People with Rare and Congenital Disorders, Budapest, Hungary
  • Csaba Dupcsik Eötvös Loránd Research Network, Social Science Research Center, Institute of Sociology, Budapest
Keywords: congenital anomalies, rare diseases, social perception, acceptance, prejudices, social exclusion


Background: The social perception and acceptance of individuals living with congenital
anomalies and rare diseases pose significant challenges for them. Prejudices and social exclusion
can have a severe impact on their lives.
Opinion: In this article, we examined the social perception and acceptance of individuals living with rare diseases and tried to point out the harmful consequences of prejudices and discrimination. The lack of information about rare diseases and their invisibility often leads to social isolation and loneliness. However, formation of online social communities and a better understanding of rare diseases create new opportunities for promoting social support and acceptance.
Conclusions: We found that broader social awareness and easier access to information can help reduce prejudices and improve the quality of life for individuals living with rare diseases.


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How to Cite
Pogány, G., Bojtor, Z., & Dupcsik, C. (2023). Social perception and acceptance of people with rare diseases. Health Promotion, 64(3), 45-52.
Thematic collection