About the sections

Original Article


Under this column, the authors shall present their research findings and conclusions based on them in the light of the backgrounds and international data.

Required structure:

  • A maximum of 500 words Abstract in Hungarian and English (Introduction/Background, Methodology, Results, Conclusions)
  • Keywords (3-5, in lower case initials, separated by semicolons - to be entered in OJS one by one - separated by Enter)
  • Introduction (required content: background/antecedents, research aims/research questions)
  • Methodology
  • Results (including sample characteristics)
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • List of references

The main text shall not exceed 3000 words, excluding tables, keywords, figures, and references.

Critical Review

The publications under this column summarize and critically evaluate the literature on a specific topic, selected by the author using a preset methodology. The preset search-, selection- and evaluation methodology should be described in the manuscript.

Required structure:

  • A maximum 500 words Abstract in Hungarian and English (Introduction/Background, Methodology, Results, Conclusions)
  • Keywords (3-5, in lower case initials, separated by semicolons - to be entered in OJS one by one - separated by Enter)
  • Introduction (required content: background/antecedents, research aims/research questions)
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • List of references

The main text shall not exceed 3000 words, excluding tables, keywords, figures, and references.


The column aims to promote a constructive professional dialogue by publishing opinions, ideas, and discussion papers in the field of health promotion. The views expressed in the Agora column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Editorial Board.

Required structure:

  • A maximum of 500 words Abstract in Hungarian and English (Introduction/ Background, Opinion, Conclusions)
  • Keywords (3-5, in lower case initials, separated by semicolons - to be entered in OJS one by one - separated by Enter)
  • Introduction (required content: background/antecedents, aims/questions)
  • Opinion
  • Conclusions
  • List of references

The main text shall not exceed 3000 words, excluding tables, keywords, figures, and references.

Short Reviews

Under the Short Reviews column, it is possible to submit a short summary of articles published and peer reviewed elsewhere (Article Review), or a short introduction to a book or publication (Book Review), or a recommendation of the current issue of another journal (Recommendation). Within the Short Reviews, the Policy papers subsection presents concepts, recommendations, directives, and methodological guidelines in the field of health promotion, as well as resolutions, key working papers, reports, or other key documents, and web pages of national and international public health organizations.

Required structure:

  • The title was chosen by the author in Hungarian (also in English). The first word of the title should be the name of the sub-column in the following format: Article review: Title; Book review: Title; Review: Title; Policy paper: Title. [For example Article review: System-based prevention of childhood obesity - N3.0 in practice]
  • Exact bibliographical reference of the article/book/document/website etc. to be reviewed (see later)
  • If the length of the text requires it, a Hungarian and an English Abstract of up to 500 words may be included, the structure of which is left to the Author.
  • Keywords (3-5, in lower case initials, separated by semicolons - to be entered in OJS one by one - separated by Enter)
  • Text of the review (preferably following the original structure of the reviewed document)
  • In the end, the key message for Hungarian professionals formulated in 3 to 5 sentences by the reviewer, placed under the subheading "Recommendations for Hungarian professionals"
  • List of references (in case the author cites other publications than the reviewed one)

The length of the main text shall not exceed 1000 words (3500 words for a Policy paper), excluding keywords, figures, tables, and references.

Other articles

The Other articles include preliminary calls for or follow-up information on professional events, as well as profiles of professional organizations or outstanding professionals. The author decides on the relevant structure of the articles included here. It shall not exceed 300 words.


Under this column comments and opinions related to an article published in Health Promotion (or in exceptional cases elsewhere) can be disclosed. The title of the comment may be chosen by the author, but the first sentence must refer to the publication to which the comment relates. The author may also refer to other literature. The length of the comment shall not exceed 500 words.