The supraspecific structure of the subtribe Blaptina Leach, 1815 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae: Blaptinae)
Years of research of the subtribe Blaptina made it possible to clarify relations between some species and propose changes in supraspecific structure of this subtribe. Blaps scabiosa Baudi di Selve, 1874 is designated as a type species of Caraboblaps Bauer, 1921, the new synonymy is proposed: Blaps Fabricius, 1775 = Caraboblaps Bauer, 1921, syn. n. Blaps nitens nitens Laporte, 1840 is designated as a type species of Periblaps Bauer, 1921, Blaps ominosa Ménétriés, 1832 is designated as a type species of Holoblaps Bauer, 1921; type species of Periblaps and Holoblaps are transferred here to genus Lithoblaps, as a result the following new synonymy is proposed: Lithoblaps Motschulsky, 1860 = Periblaps Bauer, 1921, syn. n. = Holoblaps Bauer, 1921, syn. n. The similarity of the structure of the aedeagus of Ablapsis compressipes Reitter, 1887 and some species of the subgenus Prosoblapsia Skopin et Kaszab, 1978 (genus Blaps Fabricius, 1775) gives a base to transfer the taxon Ablapsis Reitter, 1887 into the genus Blaps as a separate subgenus (Ablapsis stat. resurr.). Blaps tentyrioides Seidlitz, 1893 (= Blaps socia Seidlitz, 1893) is designated as a type species of the subgenus Protoblaps Bauer, 1921. As the genera Protoblaps Bauer, 1921 and Genoblaps Bauer, 1921 have one type species and the aedeagal structure of type species of Ablapsis, Protoblaps and Prosoblapsia is similar, the new synonymy is proposed: Ablapsis Reitter, 1887 = Protoblaps Bauer, 1921 syn. n. = Genoblaps Bauer, 1921 syn. n. = Prosoblapsia Skopin et Kaszab, 1978, syn. n. Analysis of imaginal and larval structures of the species here united in the taxon Lithoblaps Motschulsky, 1860 and other members of Blaps showed that differences between these two groups are comparable with those between other genera of the subtribe and, therefore, the former taxon is here regarded as a distinct genus Lithoblaps gen. resurr. Thus, 100 species and subspecies (marked as comb. n. or comb. resurr.) are transferred from Blaps to Lithoblaps. The additional new combination is established: Dila platythorax (Gemminger, 1870), comb. n. (from Blaps). The key to genera and the catalogue of the subtribe Blaptina are given.
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