An update on the taxonomy and geographic distribution of Iberian Anisolabididae (Der-maptera) is provided. Former catalogues reported in the Iberian Peninsula three genera of Anisolabididae: Aborolabis, Anisolabis, and Euborellia. A revision of 487 specimens of Iberian and North African Anisolabidoidea permit to exclude the genus Aborolabis from the Iberian fauna, the re-assignation of inland Euborellia annulipes Iberian records to Euborellia moesta, and the exclusion of Aborolabis angulifera from Northwestern Africa. Examination of type materials of Aborolabis mordax and Aborolabis cerrobarjai allows to propose the treatment of A. cerrobarjai as a junior synonym of A. mordax. The diagnostic characters of Euborellia his-panica are included within the local variability found in E. moesta. I propose that E. hispanica should be treated as a junior synonym of E. moesta.
Copyright (c) 2018 Mario García-París

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