Kmentaenetus, a new subgenus of Aristaenetus (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae: Lethaeini) from the Papuan subregion
Aristaenetus (Kmentaenetus) diabolicus Kondorosy subgen. nov. sp. nov. and Aristaenetus (Kmentaenetus) woodwardi Kondorosy et Zsalakovics sp. nov. (Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae: Lethaeini) are described and discussed from Papua – New Guinea and Indonesia. Comparing the general habitus of the specimens to other Lethaeini genera, in our opinion they are most closely related to the genus Aristaenetus but the differences validate a new subgenus.
Copyright (c) 2019 Előd Kondorosy, Szilvia Kovács, László Zsalakovics

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