Resurrection of the genus Micherdzinskiiobovella Hirschmann, 1989, with the description of M. petofii sp. n. from Singapore (Acari: Mesostigmata: Urodinychidae)
The genus Micherdzinskiiobovella Hirschmann, 1989 (Mesostigmata: Uropodina: Uropodinychidae) is resurrected for species of the Uroobovella micherdzinskii-group. This genus differs from the other taxa of the Uroobovella sensu lato based on the shape of body, the first gnathosomal setae, the peritreme and the number of the ventral setae. All species from the Uroobovella micherdzinskii-group are moved to the genus Micherdzinskiiobovella, as M. japonica (Hiramatsu et Hirschmann, 1977) comb. n., M. levigata (Hirschmann et Hiramatsu, 1990) comb. n., M. makilingensis (Hirschmann et Hiramatsu, 1990) comb. n., M. mitakensis (Hiramatsu et Hirschmann, 1977) comb. n., M. pauxilla (Hiramatsu, 1981) comb. n., M. pauxillaoides (Hirschmann, 1981) comb. n., M. similimitakensis (Hirschmann, 1981) comb. n., M. topali (Hirschmann, 1981) comb. n., and M. multisetosa (Kontschán et Starý, 2011) comb. n. A new species (M. petofii sp. n.) is described, based on one female and four males collected from Singapore. The new species differs from the congeners in the length and shape of the ventral setae.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jenő Kontschán, Sergey G. Ermilov

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