A nemzetközi szövetkezeti alapelvek érvényesülése a 2013. évi V. törvény szövetkezetekre vonatkozó rendelkezéseiben

  • Klára Bak Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem, Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, Agrárjogi Tanszék
Kulcsszavak: Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers, International Co-operative Alliance, Statement on the Cooperative Identity, international cooperative principles, Hungarian Civil Code, definition of cooperative


The founders of Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers established a regulation in the constitution of their consumer cooperative in the frame of the contemporary regulatory environment. The regulation of the constitution is considered to be the root of cooperative laws and cooperative practices worldwide.  On the basis of the tradition of Rochdale the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) has been declaring its definite point of view about the crucial features of ‘real’ cooperation in ‘international cooperative principles’ since the first third of the 20th.. The valid international cooperative principles can be found with the definition of cooperative and cooperative values in the Statement on the Cooperative Identity fixed by the ICA.  According to the ICA, cooperative regulations may be laid down with a regulatory content which ensures the enforcement of the content of the Statement, especially the international cooperative principles. The objective of this analysis is to examine how the provisions on cooperatives of the Hungarian Civil Code in force meet the ‘international standards’ prepared by the ICA. The analysis searches the existence and emergence all of the principles in the related provisions of the Civil Code.   

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