Published by:
Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc & CEDR – Hungarian Association of Agricultural Law
H-3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, A/6. 102., phone number: +36 46 565 105
Prof. Dr. habil. Csák Csilla PhD, DHC, president,
Prof. Dr. Szilágyi János Ede PhD, Head of the Institute, Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law (Hungary),
MTMT Academia Google Scholar ORCID
- Bobvos Pál PhD (CSc), honorary professor, University of Szeged (Hungary)
- Buletsa Sibilla PhD, Dr. habil., full professor, Uzhgorod National University (Ukraine)
- Csák Csilla PhD, DHC, Dr. habil., full professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Cirmaciu Diana PhD, ass. professor, University of Oradea (Romania)
- Przemyslaw Czarnek Dr. habil., full professor, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland)
- Dudás Attila PhD, ass. professor, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
- Fodor László PhD, DSc, Dr. habil., full professor, University of Debrecen (Hungary)
- Hornyák Zsófia PhD, ass. professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Horváth Gergely PhD, ass. professor, University of Győr (Hungary)
- Kurucz Mihály PhD, Dr. habil., full professor, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
- Monteduro Massimo PhD, ass. professor, University of Salento (Italy)
- Nagy Zoltán PhD, Dr. habil., full professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Norer Roland PhD, DHC, Dr. habil., full professor, University of Luzern (Switzerland)
- Olajos István PhD, ass. professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Raisz Anikó PhD, Secretary of State, Ministry of Energy (Hungary)
- Zombory Katarzyna PhD, Director of Research, Central European Academy (Hungary).
International Advisory and Peer Review Board:
- Avsec Franci PhD, ass. professor, researcher, University of Novo Mesto (Slovenia)
- Bandlerová Anna PhD, full professor, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia)
- Baturan Luka PhD, teaching assistant with PhD, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
- Farkas-Csamangó Erika PhD, ass. professor, University of Szeged (Hungary)
- Georgiev Minko PhD, ass. professor, Agricultural University in Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
- Hancvencl Peter PhD, retired minister plenipotentiary, Austrian embassies in Prague, Bratislava & Warsaw
- Hornyák Zsófia PhD, ass. professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Horváth Szilvia PhD, interpreter (Germany)
- Jakab Nóra PhD, Dr. habil., full professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Josipović Tatjana PhD, full professor, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
- Kántor Béla PhD, ass. professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Krajnyák Enikő, ass. lecturer, University of Miskolc, Researcher at the Central European Academy (Hungary)
- Marcusohn Victor PhD, university lecturer, Ecological University of Bucharest (Romania)
- Marinkás György PhD, senior researcher, Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law (Hungary)
- Palšová Lucia PhD; ass. professor, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia)
- Panina Julia PhD, ass. professor, Uzhgorod National University (Ukraine)
- Paulovics Anita PhD, Dr. habil., full professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Prugberger Tamás PhD (CSc), DSc, DHC, Dr. habil., professor emeritus, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Réti Mária PhD, Dr. habil., ass. professor, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
- Suchoń Aneta PhD, Dr. habil., full professor, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)
- Tóth Hilda PhD, ass. professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary).
Technical editor:
Szilágyi Szabolcs dr. jur.
Journal manager:
Mádl Miklós Vilmos
ISSN 1788-6171 (Online)
DOI prefix: 10.21029/JAEL
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The journal is published in cooperation of the CEDR – Hungarian Association of Agricultural Law.