New dimensions of the Hungarian agricultural law in respect of food sovereignty

  • János Ede Szilágyi University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, Department of Agricultural and Labour Law
  • Anikó Raisz University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Procedural Law and International Law
  • Bianka Enikő Kocsis University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, Department of Agricultural and Labour Law
Keywords: agricultural law, food sovereignty, new trends


This study was made as a Hungarian reflection to the topics examined by Commission III of the XXIX CEDR Congress. In the last few years, conceptions of food security and food sovereignty examined by the Commission have become substantial in the Hungarian agricultural law as well. In accordance with the Hungarian forms of these conceptions, especially the followings must be emphasized according to the opinion of the authors: the land acquisition regime, the GMO-free agriculture and the internationalization of agricultural law.
