A mezőgazdasági földre, mint természeti erőforrásra vonatkozó kutatások összefoglalója

  • István Olajos Miskolci Egyetem, Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, Agrár- és Munkajogi Tanszék
Kulcsszavak: összefoglaló, mezőgazdasági föld, természeti erőforrás


The author has provided a summary of the research on agricultural and forestry land supported by the Ministry of Justice. The research - throughout the whole legal system - has analyzed the historical background of the area (the article of Anna Petrasovszky from the aspect of natural law and the article of Magdolna Gedeon on the historical antecedents of mining law), the doctrinal basis (the doctrinal article of János Ede Szilágyi), the private law basis (the article of Adrienn Nagy on the comparison of administrative and civil lawsuits, István Olajos on the judicial practice, Ágnes Juhász and István Olajos on the right of disposal of the owner, as well as Réka Pusztahelyi and Ágnes Juhász on the procedure of land register). Besides these, it consists of the article of János Ede Szilágyi on bilateral commercial agreements and György Marinkás on the legal practice of human law, both from the aspect of the effects of Hungarian land transactions on international economic law and European law, as well as the topics’ public law aspects (the articles of István Olajos, Csilla Csák and Zoltán Nagy). In the end of the compilation article Bence Udvarhelyi’s article on the unlawful acquisition of agricultural lands and Ilona Görgényi’s article on the recent developments  of environmental criminal law also appear.
