Környezetvédelmi büntetőjog az európai elvárásokra figyelemmel

  • Ilona Görgényi Miskolci Egyetem, Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, Büntetőjogi Tanszék
Kulcsszavak: környezetvédelem, büntetőjog, EU-egyezmények


The author examines the question of environment protection through a criminal law aspect. The concept of protecting environment by criminal law is quite new and goes back to the seventies. In the European Union there are many common challanges including environmental crime. With due consideration to the European environmental criminal law, it is needed to take concerted action to protection of the environment. The author not only analyzes the criminal law approach, but also mentions the view of administrative law and civil law. After the general features, the provisions of EU Treaties in connection with environment protection are also included. The paper also deals  with the up-to-date challenges and intends to make the most important conclusions.
