Water and Law – a summary of the results of a natural resource law research

  • János Ede Szilágyi University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, Institution of Civil Law, Department of Agricultural and Labour Law
Keywords: water law, water governance, water management, water protection


The present article summarizes the results of a legal research presented by the scholars of University of Miskolc in
connection with water as a natural resource. Essentially, this legal research of the University might be regarded as
an implementation and continuation of the national water science strategy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
(MTA), and this legal research is based on legal assessments of János Ede Szilágyi which assessments provide a
significant link between the water strategy of the MTA and jurisprudence. The legal research of the University
broadens its antecedents’ results via the following main legal methods applied by the Hungarian scholars:
interdisciplinary method, historical method and comparative method.


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