Nationalisation of agricultural lands and forests in Poland after World War II


The article discusses how the post-war nationalisation of agricultural lands and forests, and the associated other expropriation activities were a far-reaching consequence of the outbreak of World War II. The article explains the political and historical circumstances of the nationalisation of agricultural lands and forests in Poland after World War II. Special attention was paid to the legal regulation of nationalisation of agricultural land, as well as the nationalisation of forests and forest lands. The conclusion discusses the legality of land nationalisation from the aspect of the legal acts in force at the time. Based on that, we may conclude that the nationalisation of agricultural lands and forests in Poland after World War II, executed by the communists, did not respect the law, particularly in view of the constitutional issue of pre-war Poland.


Legal acts

Constitutional Law of February 19, 1947 on the System and Scope of Action of the Supreme Authorities of the Republic of Poland, (Journal of Laws 1947, No. 18, item 71).

Decree of the Polish Committee of National Liberation of 6 September 1944 on the performance of the agricultural reform (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 1945, No. 3, item 13, as amended).

Ordinance of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform of March 1, 1945 on the implementation of the decree of the Polish Committee of National Liberation of September 6, 1944 on carrying out land reform (“Journal of Laws” 1945, No. 10, item 51, as amended).

Decree of November 28, 1945 on the seizure of certain landed properties for the purposes of land reform and settlement, “Journal of Laws” 1945, No. 57, item 321.

Decree of July 27, 1949 on the seizure of landed properties not in the actual possession of the owners, located in certain districts of the Białystok, Lublin, Rzeszów and Cracow provinces, “Journal of Laws” 1949, No. 46, item 339, as amended.

Constitutional Law of February 19, 1947 on the System and Scope of Action of the Supreme Authorities of the Republic of Poland, (Journal of Laws 1947, No. 18, item 71).

Law of March 17, 1921. - Constitution of the Republic of Poland. (Journal of Laws of 1921 No. 44, item 267).

The Manifesto of the Polish Committee for National Liberation (Annex to OJ 1944 No. 1).


Order of the Constitutional Court of November 28, 2001, SK 5/2001, “Ruling of the Constitutional Court,” 2001, no. 8/2001, item 266.


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