Desperate, Determined, Dumped: Fight against illegal waste treatment in the Czech Republic
This article delves into the Czech Republic’s intricate legal framework and ongoing struggle in combating the pernicious issue of illegal waste dumping. From outlining the most pressing challenges plaguing the nation’s waste management system, emphasising the burgeoning quantity of waste imported from other countries, to dissecting the cornerstone legislative instruments enshrined within the 2020 Waste Act, it describes specific instances of illicit waste management practices, focusing on cross-border waste shipments – a notorious breeding ground for such transgressions. It explores the modus operandi of these perpetrators, the requisite inspection protocols, and pertinent case laws, highlighting the disconcertingly low number of criminal prosecutions stemming from illegal waste dumping. However, a glimmer of hope emerges as the government acknowledges the gravity of the situation and embarks on initiatives to foster enhanced cooperation between administrative and criminal authorities.
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