Advancing Circular Economy: Czech perspective

  • Jiří Vodicka PhD, assistant professor, Department of Environmental Law and Land Law, Faculty of Law Masaryk University


This article provides a comprehensive overview of the transition to a circular economy, focusing on the European Union’s (EU) efforts and the Czech Republic’s stance and actions. It elaborates on the urgent need to shift from a linear economy, which burdens Earth’s resources and leads to substantial waste, to a more sustainable circular economy by 2050. The circular economy paradigm is seen as a fundamental shift in managing waste and resource use towards maintaining the value of products and materials for as long as possible and minimising waste generation. The article outlines the EU’s initiatives, policies, and legislation to foster this transition, emphasising the critical role of member states in implementing specific measures. Several EU policies, like the Green Deal and the New Circular Economy Action Plan, aim to transform the economy from linear to circular, covering various waste streams and sectors. Particular attention is given to the Czech Republic’s position and efforts. It delves into Czech waste legislation, policies related to the circular economy, and the nation’s strategic documents like the State Environmental Policy 2030 and the Strategic Framework of the Circular Economy of the Czech Republic 2040; these aim to improve waste management, enhance material supply security, boost business competitiveness, and reduce fossil fuel consumption. The article also discusses the challenges and public opinion in the Czech Republic regarding environmental protection and the circular economy. Despite progress, factors such as inadequate use of economic instruments and public reluctance to pay more for sustainable products hinder a faster transition. Furthermore, the article reviews specific legal instruments, economic tools, and sectoral legislative acts contributing to circularity in the Czech Republic. In conclusion, while the Czech Republic and the EU have made strides towards a circular economy, the journey is ongoing. The transition promises long-term benefits like self-sufficiency, reduced greenhouse gases, and new job opportunities. The EU’s role is crucial in this transition, as it sets legislative and policy frameworks that guide member states towards circularity. This article reflects the complexities and multifaceted nature of transitioning to a circular economy, highlighting the need for continued efforts, policy alignment, and societal support.


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