Legal regulation facilitating the transition to a circular economy in the legal system of Slovakia

  • Matus Michalovic Assistant professor, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law
Keywords: circular economy, environmental policies, waste management, transition to circular economy, transition to circular economy


This chapter explores Slovakia’s transition to a circular economy within the framework of its membership to and the influence of the European Union (EU). Despite the implementation of robust environmental policies, significant gaps remain, including the marked lack of a raw material strategy. This chapter scrutinises legal regulations, revealing a convergence of circular economic initiatives regarding waste management. After analysing specific strategic documents impacting Slovakia’s transition to a circular economy, this chapter examines crucial legal regulations, with a primary focus on waste management. A key finding underscores the interdependence of Slovakia’s circular economy transition and advancements in waste management. However, progress is hindered by several challenges, particularly in terms of the need for mandatory changes in waste management practices looming to meet both EU and national goals. There is also a clear legislative gap in other areas that need to be actively addressed before the country can transition to a circular economy. In this respect, this chapter highlights a positive development: a collaborative effort in formulating a circular economy roadmap, one identifying impactful reforms in economic instruments, the construction sector, and the food and bio-waste value chain. This chapter concludes by calling for a cohesive and strategic approach, advancing the need for Slovakia to adopt a long-term vision and strict implementation timetable to champion a circular economy embodying sustainability principles.


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