The National Raw Materials Policy in Poland as an instrument of implementation of the constitutional principle of ensuring the security of citizens (Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland)

  • Paulina Ledwon dr. jur. PhD; Cracow University of Economics; Department of Public and European International Law
Keywords: raw materials policy, sustainable development, constitution, Poland, constitutional principles


The author focuses on presenting the nature of the legal relationship between the principle of sustainable development established in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the policies adopted by the Council of Ministers: The National Raw Materials Policy, The Energy Policy of Poland, and the National Environmental Policy – the development strategy in the area of environment and water management. The author analyzes the concept of ensuring security as one of the constitutional obligations of the state authorities in the Polish Constitution and derives from it the concept of raw material security of the state, implemented by establishing The National Raw Materials Policy in 2022, which is understood as a long-term public policy conducted at the national level, to ensure that manufacturing enterprises have access to the raw materials necessary for their operations at a price enabling them to maintain their competitiveness, while taking care of the natural and social environment at every stage of the raw material cycle and the current and long-term economic security of the state.


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