Effects of handling on botanical and pedological state of abandoned or extensively cultivated arable lands in the Putnok Hills
The article introduces the investigation done in Alsószuha and Gömörszőlős (arable land and renewed meadow). Landscape management and pedological, and - in addition - in Alsószuha botanical data is shown. We found differences in the P ,0 5-content of the topsoil, on the lower (90 ppm) and upper (32 ppm) part of the slope on the cultivated land in Alsószuha. The difference was found on the abandoned lands, too. On the Upper Slope Tierce (UST) of the land abandoned in 1963 it was 66 ppm, on the Lower Slope Tierce (LST) 19 ppm; on the UST of the land abandoned in 1990 it was 28 ppm, on the LST 20 ppm. In Gömörszőlős there are remarkable differences between the slope tierces (always favor the lower part), thanks for the former intensive cultivation (LSTarable=140 ppm, USTarable=88 ppm, LSTmeadow=163, USTmeadow=128 ppm). Values prove the vegetation to have an important effect on soil properties. Based on the botanical results it can be stated on the examined area that the vegetation of the area abandoned in 1990 is disturbed and affected by weed species, the parcel mowed frequently includes more plants species. On the land abandoned in 1963 close to natural state vegetation evolved.
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