The changes of vegetation in the Szigetköz region after the diversion of the Danube river

  • István Hahn ELTE Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology
  • Attila Gergely BCE Department of Landscape Preservation and Reclamation
  • Sándor Barabás MTA ÖBKI
Keywords: monitoring, phytosociological approach, reed, Szigetköz


Diverting the Danube in the Szigetköz region had caused significant reduction of soil water content in the environs of the former main riverbed. We study the influence of this environmental change on the vegetation by using four different approaches, Vegetation responded with rapid and marked compositional changes in the first few years right after river diversion that is now followed by a much slower phase with minor changes between two consecutive years. Weather in the current vegetation period further modifies the species number and abundance at each sample site. The abundance of woody species and clonal plants alters very slowly in response to the drying up of the area. Further, indirect factors contributing to considerable compositional and structural changes in the vegetation are forestry-planned replacement of canopy forming tree species in many forest stands, and the complete abandonment or less frequent cutting on hay meadows.


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