A doktori iskolákban megvédett névtani témájú disszertációk 2005-ben: Méhes Márton
Eigennamen und Eigennamen-konstruktionen. Sprachliche Zeichen zwischen Diffusität und Ökonomie [Tulajdonnevek és tulajdonneves szerkezetek. Nyelvi jelek a diffuzitás és a nyelvi ökonómia között]
PhD theses on Onomastics defended (2005)
The summaries and the most important data of onomastic PhD dissertations defended successfully at doctoral schools in Hungary are published arly in Névtani Értesítő: year of completion, size, consultant, opponents, date of defence. – A copy of the dissertations can be found in the library of the responsible university and in the library of the university institution responsible for the training. – The doctoral data base in the home page of the Ministry of Education (http://phd.om.hu) is also to give information presenting not only the propositions and the English summaries but mostly the dissertations themselves. Unfortunately, at present the data base is not complete. The dissertation presented here is: Méhes, Márton: Proper names and proper name constructions. Language signs between diffusion and economy (ELTE, Budapest, German Linguistics).