Az egyelemű, átmeneti szerkezetű és kételemű nevek megjelenése a Bánffy-családok 14. századi okleveleiben
Names of different structure as appearing in 14th century charters of the Bánffy families
The present study examines name giving practices in 14th century charters produced in three extended estates of the two historic Bánffy families (i.e. in three different regions of the country). One purpose of the study is to demonstrate that the complete system of later Hungarian family names had not been developed in any region under discussion by the end of the 14th century. On the basis of the charters the three most frequent name forms (those containing the expressions filius, de and dictus) as well as their mixed variants are described. By examining the three Latin connecting expressions and the names formed with the help of them the author concludes that the same changes were present in the name structures in all the three territories, though the speed of change was regionally different. It is true that during the century under survey names started to reflect people’s environment (town or village) and people’s changing way of life, still simplification of name forms could not be observed in any territory until the end of the 14th century.