Finn–magyar kontrasztív névtani terminológiai vizsgálatok a személynévfajták köréből
Finnish–Hungarian contrastive onomastic terminological analysis concerning terms for types of personal names
The paper focuses on a contrastive analysis with respect to the problems of harmonizing Finnish and Hungarian terms of personal name studies. The author first discusses the history of Finnish terminological research, then goes on to demonstrate to what extent (and how) the terms for personal names in the two languages correspond to one another. Finally, by way of observing a few types of informal Finnish names, the author draws attention to several inherent contradictions and discrepancies manifested when the two name systems are compared. A comparison of the Finnish and Hungarian terms of personal name studies shows that the most fundamental differences originate from the very distinct frameworks within which the names are treated and described in the two languages; the distinct typologies, in fact, are derived from different approaches to categorisation.