Azonosságok és különbözőségek a magyar népmese és az irodalmi mese névadási szokásaiban

  • Katalin G. Papp
Kulcsszavak: írói névadás, névadási típusok, Benedek Elek, Lázár Ervin, népmese, műmese


Similarities and differences in the name stock of Hungarian folk and literary tales

This paper presents how patterns of name giving practices adapted in literary tales are dependent upon those used in folk tales. Naming practices of folk tales – especially those of the genre “fairy tales” – in their typical functions are partly bequeathed to contemporary literary tales. The more folk tale motives the story-writer uses, the more naming practices (s)he adapts from folk tales. Differences in name giving practices of literary tales can be traced to the increase and special features of base words, in the personalities of the characters referred to by their names, in the authors’ unique styles as well as in the differentiation of the readers.

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