Névtani témájú dolgozatok a Nyitrai Konstantin Filozófus Egyetem Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszékén (2000–2010)

  • János Bauko Nyitrai Konstantin Filozófus Egyetem
Kulcsszavak: névtani szakdolgozatok bibliográfiája, nyitrai Konstantin Filozófus Egyetem, Szlovákia, kisebbségi magyar, magyar névkutatás


Onomastics-oriented work at the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra between 2000 and 2010

The Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra has always played an important role in Onomastic research, especially insofar as the use of the Hungarian language in Slovakia is concerned. Education in Onomastics also has a long tradition at the Department. Nowadays, Onomastics is included in the schedule of the BA programme as an elective course. This paper contains the list of Onomastics-oriented BA, MA and PaedDr works written at the department between 2000 and 2010.

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