Fordítói kihívások és megoldások a magyar nyelvű Harry Potter-kötetekben

  • Réka Hertelendy ELTE Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Kulcsszavak: tulajdonnevek fordítása, írói névadás, személynevek, humor, J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter, angol forrásnyelv, magyar célnyelv


Challenges and solutions in translating the Harry Potter volumes into Hungarian  


The paper examines the name stock of the seven Harry Potter books by comparing the original English name forms with their Hungarian equivalents. The author first presents the English names, establishing a basis for an account of the Hungarian name forms. Then the limits of translation are explored with regard to such questions as which names in literary texts can be translated and to what extent, and which characteristics of the name forms were respected by the translator in this particular case: those aspects that turned out to be inevitable are consequently listed. Finally, the translation methods adopted by the Hungarian translator are explained and exemplified – on the basis of the classification by Albert Péter Vermes (2005), which is completed here with some specific methods used by the Hungarian translator of the Harry Potter books. The paper points out some translation challenges and mistranslations as well.

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