Report on the International Conference ‘The Rule of Law between a Legal Notion and a Political Tool’ Organized by the Danube Institute in Budapest on June 6, 2023

Keywords: rule of law, constitutional identity, European Union, EU rule of law toolbox


The report concerns the international conference held on June 6, 2023, organised by the Danube Institute in Budapest with the participation of eminent Hungarian and foreign representatives from the academic and political world. The conference discussed the issue of the evolution and the politicisation of the concept of the rule of law and reflected on the ongoing debates between Hungary and the European Union (EU). The conference contributed to a better understanding of the current developments concerning the concept of the rule of law and its context at the international level. This report summarises the presentations at the conference and reflects on the conclusions drawn from the discussions.


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How to Cite
KrajnyákE. (2023). Report on the International Conference ‘The Rule of Law between a Legal Notion and a Political Tool’ Organized by the Danube Institute in Budapest on June 6, 2023. Law, Identity and Values, 3(1), 237-247.