Content of the Right to Parental Responsibility and the Activities of Non Governmental Organizations in Poland

Keywords: non-governmental organizations, public benefit activities, charity, parental authority, child welfare


This study analyzes the relationship between the activities of non-governmental organizations and the content of parental authority in Poland. Thus, this study presents an outline of the sources of universally applicable law in the field of non-governmental organizations’ activities with respect to public tasks, with due regard to the norms of organizational units of religious associations that may conduct activities significant from the perspective of parental authority. Simultaneously, it presents the basic sources of law relating to parental responsibility in the Polish legal system, in the relevant scope. Next, it presents the objectives of the activities of non-governmental organizations in the form of child welfare and family assistance, which may relate directly or indirectly to parental authority. Thereafter, the study, presents references to the possible interference of the activities of a non-governmental organization in the sphere of parental authority. Finally, it presents general and de lege ferenda conclusions.


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How to Cite
PoniatowskiM. (2022). Content of the Right to Parental Responsibility and the Activities of Non Governmental Organizations in Poland. Law, Identity and Values, 2(2), 117-129.