Egy modern alapviszony
A sajtóipar és az irodalmi alkotás konfliktusa a magyar irodalmi modernségben
A Modern Relation
– The Conflict between the Publication Industry and Literary Work in Hungarian Literary Modernism –
In my paper I aim to discuss the relationship between the modern authorial subject and the professional journalist, which is a fundamental one in Hungarian literary modernism. Throughout this analysis I interpret several texts (by Dezső Kosztolányi, Frigyes Karinthy, Zsigmond Móricz, Mihály Babits, Imre Kner, and Aladár Schöpflin), in which the aforementioned relation is thematized, in order to explore the discourse formations that posit the subject of an author as a writer and as a journalist at the same time.
Keywords: literary modernism, periodicals, journalist, professionalization, Hungarian literature