Editorial Team

András Kappanyos

Responsible editor:
Dávid Szolláth

Editorial Committee:
Margit Kiss
György Kálmán C. †

Advisory Board:
Gábor Bezeczky
Ernő Kulcsár Szabó
Béla Pomogáts †
József Szili †
András Veres

Technical Editors:
Diána Márjánovics
Katalin Bucsics

English Proofreading:
Jessie Labov

Address of the editorial office: 1118 Budapest, Ménesi út 11–13.

Published by the BTK Institute of Literary Studies, Eötvös Loránd Research Network.
Responsible for the publication Balázs Balogh (director general), Gábor Kecskeméti (director).
The editing work was carried out by the Scientific Information Theme Group of the BTK TTI.
The publisher's head office is located at 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.

Leader: Éva Kovács
Cover: Ildikó Zsigmondné Balázs
Caption editor: János Kele
Print: Prime Rate Kft.
Responsible manager: Péter Tomcsányi Dr.

ISSN 0133-2368 (Printed)
ISSN 2786-1074 (Online)