Transculturality and the Global Turn in Literary Studies

Félbemaradt projekt-e a transzkulturalizmus?

Keywords: transculturality, transnationality, global turn, transnational turn


The article compares Wolfgang Welsch’s concept of transculturality and the global (transcultural and transnational) turn in literary studies, both of which seem to propagate similar attitudes towards research that crosses national and cultural boundaries. Transculturality and the global turn propose opening up towards marginalised non-Western cultures, the need to change the way we think about and talk about the global circulation of art and ideas, and a vision of culture as a fluid, hybrid entity, rather than a homogenic paradigm of container culture.

Author Biographies

Katarzyna, Jagellonian University in Krakow Faculty of Polish Studies

assistant professor

Magdolna Balogh, HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities Institute for Literary Studies

retired senior research fellow
