Schisms in the Church

Patterns and Lessons

  • Ernő Ősz-Farkas Adventista Teológiai Főiskola
Keywords: church schism, state party, reconciliation, free church, retrospective interpretation


Conflicts have always existed and will continue to exist within religious communities. These conflicts may resolve over time, either with or without assistance; however, virtual schisms do not. When conflicts result in opposing factions, creating irreconcilable differences in the interpretation of mission, creed, theological vision, and ethical questions, frontlines are established between liberal and conservative directions, the schism becomes real, even if no one leaves the church formally. The dissertation on the topic of schism and reconciliation presented in this study provides key solutions in managing religious divisions. Furthermore, this study compares the patterns of three schisms that occurred in the Seventh-day Adventist Church between 1956 and 1975 with two schisms in a historical church after World War I, as well as with the general characteristics of internationally known and studied schisms. The schisms follow sociological, social, psychological, and leadership-related laws, even though spiritual leaders find theological and spiritual justification in each case.

Author Biography

Ernő Ősz-Farkas, Adventista Teológiai Főiskola




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