Foundations of the Christian Faith in the Book of Revelation

A Message to the Seven Churches and to All Christians – Part 2

  • Riczingerné Garai Szilvia Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem
Keywords: Book of Revelation, ὑπομονή, μετάνοια, perseverance, conversion


The seven messages in Revelation 2 and 3 are particularly focused on the essence of the believer’s life. What Jesus expects of his followers is to persevere to the death, to follow him faithfully (ὑπομονή). If this is somehow compromised, repentance (μετάνοια) is required. In this paper the author reviews the motifs of perseverance and repentance by examining the messages to the seven churches one by one, and then summarising the results to show how closely the two concepts are linked. The author then explores what lessons can be drawn from these for the life of the believer.

Author Biography

Riczingerné Garai Szilvia, Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem

teológus, lelkészjelölt, pszichológus - Szombathely


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Internetes források

St. Euthymius of Sardis., (Megtekintés: 2023. április 26.)

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Luther Márton 95 tétele. (Megtekintés: 2023. 04. 29.)
