From Budapest to Kraków

Theological and Organisational Highlights of the Lutheran World Federation 1984–2023, with a Special Focus on Central Eastern Europe – Part 2

  • Pap Kinga Marjatta Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem
Keywords: assembly, balance, counterculture, responsibility, ecumenism


In 2023, the Central Eastern Europe (CEE) region hosted the assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) for the second time. The article offers an insight to the journey from the 1984 Budapest assembly, scrutinising a few chosen elements of assembly history from a specifically CEE point of view.

After a brief introduction to the regional expressions and the role of Lutherans from Hungary in LWF history, the two assemblies in the region are pictured in a contrastive manner. Due to the multiple functions of an assembly, the author enlarges on both constitutional matters (elections, resolutions and theological questions) and the worship life of both events, with special emphasis on the Auschwitz-Birkenau experience and Lutheran–Roman Catholic dialogue on the road of new Reformation.

Author Biography

Pap Kinga Marjatta, Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem

bölcsész, doktorandusz - Budapest


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