The The Surface Karst of the Bakony Region
In this article, the surface karstification of the Bakony Region is described. For this reason, VES measurements were applied to study the cover and the morphology of the bedrock. A karstmorphological mapping was also performed. With the classification of superficial deposits, karst types were differentiated. A relation was established between the karst types and block types in the mountains. The karstification of the mountains was affected by the block structure of the mountains, the mounds of the uneven bedrock, the presence of superficial deposits and their young (also currently ongoing) denudation. As a result of their individual or simultaneous effect, the karst of the mountains is varied. Soil-covered karst, concealed karst, cryptokarst, mixed autogenic-allogenic karst and allogenic karst occur in the mountains. Soil-covered karst is widespread in the mountains, but the specific features of this type (solution dolines) only occur on the threshold surfaces at the margin of the mountains and on dolomite. The concealed karst was mainly formed on horsts elevated to summit position, but it can also be found on threshold surfaces and on horsts in summit position. Its features are subsidence dolines and depressions of superficial deposit. Burried karst can be created by gravelly cover concerning cryptokarst basalt. The former is characteristic of cryptopeneplains, while the latter is specific of peneplain with basalt caps thus, of Kab Mountain. If the cover is gravel, the water of gravelly terrains seeps into the karst in epigenetic valleys, mainly in their antecedent sections (these are the gorges of the mountains). Phreatic cavity formation takes place at the impermeable intercalations at these sites. The phreatic cavities open up primarily by fluvial erosion. If the cover is basalt, ponors develop at its margin (allogenic karst), while inside, where the basalt thins out, caprock dolines are formed (cryptokarst).
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